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Sargassum is a free floating brown macro-algae that is distributed throughout the temperate and tropical oceans of the world. They inhabit shallow water and coral reefs. 


Sargassum generally develops in the Sargasso Sea near the Bermuda Triangle and manages to stay afloat by pneumatocysts (berry like structures which are gas filled) that provide buoyancy so they can float such far distances.


Due to death and decay of the older parts of the plant, the younger region breaks off into fragments. The seaweed multiples within a number of days with the process continually happening.

 This eventually causes the influx of Sargassum we are facing in the Caribbean and surrounding countries like Mexico and Florida.


Currently there is no way to get rid of Sargassum. The most which can be done is to find innovative ways to use Sargassum before it begins to decay on the shore and release Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) or a rotten egg smell in the atmosphere. Hydrogen Sulfide causes corrosion in many household appliances such as refridgerators.


"Climate Change is no longer a far-off problem; it is happening here, it is happening now."

- Barack Obama
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